WisFaq - de digitale vraagbaak voor het wiskundeonderwijs
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Bits & bytes
Abbreviations like Kb, KB, Mb and GB are often confused, misunderstood or used incorrectly. Here's a brief explanation of proper usage.
Archimedes and the Computation of Pi
Archimedes' mathematical work exhibits great boldness and originality in thought, as well as extreme rigor. Among his mathematical accomplishments is the computation of pi, which is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
Numbers, constants and computations
This site is dedicated to mathematical, historical and algorithmic aspects of some classical mathematical constants (like p, e, the Euler constant g, z(3),...). A few results on prime numbers are added. Easy and fast programs are also included and can be downloaded.
Napier's bones
Napier's bones is a manually-operated calculating device created by John Napier of Merchiston for calculation of products and quotients of numbers.
In linguistics, a numeral is a noun, adjective, or adverb that designates a number. Examples of numerals which are nouns are 'five' and the compound word 'seventy-seventh'. Numerals express numbers and their relations to other numbers. Examples of such relations are: quantity, sequence, frequency, and part (fraction).
Decimaal talstelsel
Het decimale talstelsel of tientallige talstelsel is een talstelsel om getallen weer te geven met behulp van de tien cijfers 0 tot en met 9.
Rekenen in Het Land van Okt
Het is lang geleden dat je zelf leerde rekenen. Wat herinner jij je nog van de rekenles op de basisschool? Vond je het leuk en was je goed in rekenen of vond je het juist vervelend en was je er niet zo goed in?
© 2005 WisFaq-digitale vraagbaak voor het wiskundeonderwijs