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Wat zijn Fractals?
Fractals zijn meetkundige figuren met als karakeristeke eigenschap dat onderdelen van de figuur (ongeveer) dezelfde vorm hebben als de figuur zelf, maar op een kleinere schaal.
Chaos Introduction
Chaos theory is among the youngest of the sciences, and has rocketed from its obscure roots in the seventies to become one of the most fascinating fields in existence. At the forefront of much research on physical systems, and already being implemented in fields covering as diverse matter as arrhythmic pacemakers, image compression, and fluid dynamics, chaos science promises to continue to yield absorbing scientific information which may shape the face of science in the future.
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Fractals
This page will discuss the following topics: The history of fractals, the basic concept of fractals, frequently asked questions about fractals, and examples of some famous fractals. There will also be a list of links to some fractal web pages.
© 2005 WisFaq-digitale vraagbaak voor het wiskundeonderwijs