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Wie was Fibonacci?

Wie was Fibonacci?

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Leerling bovenbouw havo-vwo - maandag 18 maart 2002


"In 1202, the Italian mathematician Fibonacci asked a simple question. Suppose we have a pair of newly born rabbits who, after maturing, beget another pair of rabbits. These children, after they mature, beget another pair. So we have first one pair of rabbits, then two pair, and then three pair. How will this continue, if it does, supposing that each new pair of rabbits, after one season of maturing, will beget another pair each and every breeding season thereafter ? To make things simple, Fibonacci also assumed that rabbits never die."

(Uit: Number Theory in Science and Communication van M.R.Schroeder)

Zie De rij van Fibonacci Zie Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci

Wie is wie?
maandag 18 maart 2002
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