Fechner, de gulden snede en de kritiek
Waar kunnen wij informatie vinden over de conclusies van G.T. Fechner over het schoonheidsideaal van de Gulden Snede en over de positieve en negatieve kritiek daarop?
Leerling bovenbouw havo-vwo - vrijdag 2 november 2001
"Fechner was the first experimentalist to systematically study the aesthetic properties of the golden section. His first major treatise on the topic was Zür experimentalen Aesthetik (1871)."
"Fechner (1876) reported the results of experiments conducted with his methods. For some reason, many myths and half-truths have been promulgated concerning Fechner's exact procedure, and many criticisms have been advanced on the basis of these erroneous beliefs."
Bron: All That Glitters
Zie ook: Albert van der Schoot: De ontstelling van Pythagoras, Kok Agora, 442 blz.
Zie De ontstelling van Pythagoras
zaterdag 3 november 2001
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