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3. Modus

De modus van een serie getallen is het getal met de hoogste frequentie. Het getal wat het meeste voorkomt. De modus in een centrummaat.

Je komt de modus tegen als men het heeft over 'een modaal inkomen' of 'twee keer modaal'.


leeftijd in jaren frequentie
12 8
13 12
14 28
15 4
16 1

Wat is hier de modus?

De modale klasse is 14.
De modus is 14,5.

A Greater Than Average Number of Legs

The great majority of people have more than the average number of legs. Amongst the 57 million people in Britain there are probably 5,000 people who have only one leg. Therefore the average number of legs is (5000 x 1 + 56,995,000 x 2)/57,000,000 = 1.9999123
Since most people have two legs...


Soms komen twee getallen of klassen even vaak voor. Meestal zegt men dan dat de modus niet bestaat. Maar het kan ook anders:
In the case where twe adjacent values of X occur with the same frequency, which is larger than the frequency of occurenceof other values of X, the mode may be taken rather arbitrarily as the mean of the two adjacent values of X.
Where two nonadjacent values of X occur such that the frequencies of both are greater that the frequencies in adjacent intervals, then each value of X may be taken as a mode and the set of observations may be spokenof as bimodal.
['Statistical Analysis in Psychology & Education', George A.Ferguson]

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