Hoe werkt een geodimeter?joyce piek
Op onderstaande website staat:
"The instrument transmits a light beam (wavelength 550 nm), to which is applied a modulation of approximately 30 MHz (10 m), i.e. the light is intensity-modulated. The beam is directed onto a reflector at the distant station, from which it is reflected back to the instrument. The incoming light is received by a photo-multiplier (hence converted to an electrical signal) and the difference in phase between the transmitted and received modulations is measured."
...en dat lijkt me nogal natuurkundig.Zie Geodimeter Model 6A [http://www.gmat.unsw.edu.au/final_year_thesis/f_pall/html/e12.html]
#8341 - Oppervlakte en inhoud - Leerling bovenbouw havo-vwo