
\require{AMSmath} geprint op donderdag 16 mei 2024

Wie heeft het telraam uigevonden?

Wie heeft het telraam uigevonden?



Zoek het maar uit. Ps ik denk dat zowel BC als AD hier de betekenis moet hebben van voor Christus.

Tekst 1
The first actual calculating mechanism known to us is the abacus, which is thought to have been invented by the Babylonians sometime between 1,000 BC and 500 BC, although some pundits are of the opinion that it was actually invented by the Chinese.

Tekst 2
The abacus as we know it today, appeared circa 1200 A.D. in China; in Chinese, it is called suan-pan. Beginning in about 1600 A.D., use and evolution of the Chinese abacus was begun by the Japanese via Korea. In Japanese the abacus is called soroban. It is thought that early Christians brought the abacus to the East (note the vertical direction of both the suan-pan and the Roman hand-abacus).

Recent archeological excavations have revealed an Mesoamerican (Aztec) abacus (Nepohualtzitzin), circa 900-1000 A.D., where the counters were made from kernels of maize threaded through strings mounted on a wooden frame.

Met vriendelijke groet

Zie telramen [http://www.kennislink.nl/web/show?id=116416]


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#34630 - Telproblemen - Leerling onderbouw vmbo-havo-vwo